Tag Archives: christmas

The not-so-great Escape

Home, sweet home!

Home, sweet home.. Dear Alkhobar The christmas break is close, which means my escape to home is close as well. Two weeks left to finish school and head back to my beloved city of birth, home, mi casa, tu casa… wait.. no tu casa.

Anyways, these are some little thoughts I have before embarking on that flight and waste a day of life on air, literally!

1. THEY GONNA TOUCH MY JUNK IN THE AIRPORT!!! (update: they didn’t :D)

2. I’m not heavy packer usually, but I hate it when traveling back home in the winter break. I have to pack a big ass jacket for the short trip to and from the airport in the US. I know I’m not going to use back home, where 17 ˚C is considered winter.



4. FIFA 11 Power! Oh Bro, I except your challenge. It’s going to be legen…. wait for it… dary!

5. A serious case of homesick every 2 or 3 hours. Sometimes, it gets TOO emotional.

6. Please, I repeat, PLEASE do not ask me for gifts (Asht3’l 3nd abook!!)

7. Think a lot = Eat a lot.

If you were wondering what goes in the mind of a study-abroad student, here is your answer.

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